Service:Birthday Massage change
Licensed Massage Therapist: Sylvia Butchar LMT
Date/time:Sat, Jun 15 at 11:30 AM (EDT) change

Cancellation Policy:  If for some unforeseeable reason you cannot keep your appointment, please reschedule at no charge.   Appointments cancelled within 24 hours are charged at 100%.

Packages:  You save a considerable amount by purchasing the 4-Month Packages.  In return, you are agreeing to come 3 times within that 4 months.  That way both of us have a "Win".  You can also pay for the packages one massage at a time, rather than all at once at the beginning of the 4 months.  Just schedule, then pay $53.63 (including tax) for each massage when you come, instead of $70 + tax.

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